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Ewa Miśko-Wąsowska

Ewa Miśko-Wąsowska – paediatrician and a mum of two – explains how does the white noise work and why newborns do not like sleeping in the silence at all:

Crying newborn makes us feel helpless. So often we just do not know how to help, despite the best efforts. Being a doctor does not change much either. The reasons of colic or prolonged crying that is hard to soothe, are still not fully understood. We suspect immature nervous system, gastrointestinal tract or the intestinal flora but it can be many different reasons.

White noise reminds baby of a blissful life in the womb, but it also “masks” other sounds of the surrounding environment that can be disturbing and wake the baby up.

One of the studies evaluating neonates has shown that 80% of babies fell asleep within five minutes in response to white noise, while only 25 % were able to fall asleep in a silence. Another study conducted at the adult population have shown that listening to white noise activates brain centers responsible for feeling pleased and rewarded. What is also interesting – it has shown that adults who have difficulties falling asleep or tend to wake up at night find white noise as beneficial as Babies do.

Pink Noise: The Best Chance for a Better Night Sleep!
Rebecca Balcombe, Midwife

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